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Space Flight Simulator Lite
Realistic 3D space travel simulator and planetarium.

IMPORTANT: There is a more advanced version of this app available. You can download it here:

In this app you will find:
- All major planets and moons in the Solar System, with their accurate keplerian orbits:
* Sun
* Mercury
* Venus
* Earth and Moon
* Mars and its moons Phobos and Deimos
* Jupiter and its major moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto
* Saturn and its major moons: Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion and Iapetus
* Uranus and its major moons: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon
* Neptune and Triton
- Dwarf planets and its major moons:
* Ceres
* Pluto and its moons:Charon, Nix and Hydra
* Haumea and its moons: Namaka and Hi'iaka
* Makemake
* Eris and its moon Dysnomia\
- Asteroid field and Trojan asteroids
- Several extrasolar systems:
* Alpha Centauri
* Proxima Centauri
* Barnard's Star
* Sirius
* Epsilon Eridani
- Realistic space travel from Earth to the Moon and Mars
- Realistic calculation of fuel requirements using Tsiolkovsky Rocket equation
- Timeslider to accelerate/decelerate time. You'll also be able to run time backwards
- NEW! Free flight mode: take control of your spaceship with a limited amount of fuel. Experience the effect of gravity on your trajectories.

Get the full version and you'll get:
- Improved graphics for planets, moons and stars
- Many more extrasolar systems
- Realistic orbits from any planet to any other planet and moon
- Interstellar travel!
- Relativistic effects of time dilation, length contraction and relativistic doppler shift during interstellar flights

NOTE: If you cannot run this app due to insufficient heap memory, you can try to change the heap size configuration of your device with applications like this one (requires root):


* Please contact me by email if you have any complain or suggestion.
もっと見る ↓


#1. Space Flight Simulator Lite (Android) 作者: Guillermo Pawlowsky#2. Space Flight Simulator Lite (Android) 作者: Guillermo Pawlowsky#3. Space Flight Simulator Lite (Android) 作者: Guillermo Pawlowsky#4. Space Flight Simulator Lite (Android) 作者: Guillermo Pawlowsky#5. Space Flight Simulator Lite (Android) 作者: Guillermo Pawlowsky#6. Space Flight Simulator Lite (Android) 作者: Guillermo Pawlowsky#7. Space Flight Simulator Lite (Android) 作者: Guillermo Pawlowsky#8. Space Flight Simulator Lite (Android) 作者: Guillermo Pawlowsky


  • バージョン: 2.5.2
  • アップデート:
  • v2.5.2
    Updated targetSdkVersion to 26 (requirement from Google)


  • 今日: フリー
  • 最小値: フリー
  • 最大: フリー



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