مطوّر البرامج:
السعر: مجاني
لتصنيفات: 0 
المراجعات: 0 أكتب مراجعة
قوائم: 0 + 0
النقاط: 0 + 0 ¡
النقاط + 1


IpLab Threshold Live Demo
This app visualizes the thresholding function of the OpenCV library. We can choose from the original grayscale liveview, global thresholding with an interactively selected threshold value, global thresholding using the Otsu method, and two types of adaptive methods. The live view histogram of the original grayscale image is also shown. Here a white line represents the actual threshold value. In the adaptive case the threshold is computed for each pixel individually.

The app requires the installation of the OpenCV Manager available in the Play Store.
مزيد ↓


#1. IpLab Threshold Live Demo (Android) بواسطة: Attila10x#2. IpLab Threshold Live Demo (Android) بواسطة: Attila10x#3. IpLab Threshold Live Demo (Android) بواسطة: Attila10x#4. IpLab Threshold Live Demo (Android) بواسطة: Attila10x#5. IpLab Threshold Live Demo (Android) بواسطة: Attila10x#6. IpLab Threshold Live Demo (Android) بواسطة: Attila10x

الميزات الجديدة

  • الإصدار: 1.41
  • تم التحديث:
  • Updating target Android and OpenCV versions + minor fixes.


  • اليوم: مجاني
  • الحد الأدنى: مجاني
  • الحد الأقصى: مجاني
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مطوّر البرامج


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IpLab Threshold Live DemoIpLab Threshold Live Demo عنوان URL مختصر: تم النسخ!

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