가격: * 무료
순위: 0 
리뷰: 0 리뷰 작성
목록: 0 + 0
포인트: 0 + 0 ¡
포인트 + 1


ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy
새로운  An Android app is called Plengluy App. Greetings, friends. We have a lot of songs in Khmer to suit your needs. You may now download and use this program to play music anywhere, at any time, and you can even get paid for it. Get 100% real money as well.

General Information

1. There are many songs in Khmer language.
2. Free Download songs
3. Can save to your favorite playlists
4. Can track and listen to popular songs
5. Listen to songs for each productions
6. Listen to the album

Principles to make money with the program

1. Listen to a song, you will be able to earn between 10 and 300 coins.
2. You can not even turn off the phone (screen off mode) to listen to music.
3. Invite a friend to use this app and enter your referral code and you will get $ 0.02.
4. If you uninstall the program, the coins and coins you earn will be lost.
5. We do not offer money on accounts that use money, emulators or counterfeit devices.
6. We do not give money earned from listening to the same song for an hour.

Conditions to be applied

1. We do not give invitations to friends if we do not use the app for less than 40 hours.
2. We are not responsible for your money or coins if you have lost your phone or for any other reason.
3. You have to watch the exchange rate sometimes up and sometimes down.
4. Your account will be closed if there is no activity in the last two months.
5. We will only post all ads on the Facebook page.
6. We will automatically close the account if we find that the person advertised our program as money laundering or fraud.
7. You must listen for at least 40 hours.
8. You must use the program for at least 5 days.
9. You must recommend at least one friend to use and make money.
10. Your account will be closed if you listen to the same song over and over again.
11. Your account will be closed if you listen to more than 69 songs in 24 hours.
12. The requested amount is withdrawn and sent to the bank within 7 days.

Thank you, Get it now.!
더보기 ↓


#1. ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy (Android) 게시자: plengluy#2. ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy (Android) 게시자: plengluy#3. ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy (Android) 게시자: plengluy#4. ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy (Android) 게시자: plengluy#5. ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy (Android) 게시자: plengluy#6. ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy (Android) 게시자: plengluy#7. ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy (Android) 게시자: plengluy#8. ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy (Android) 게시자: plengluy#9. ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy (Android) 게시자: plengluy#10. ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy (Android) 게시자: plengluy

새로운 기능

  • 버전: 1.0.0
  • 업데이트:


가격 추적


  • plengluy
  • 플랫폼: Android 앱 (4)
  • 목록: 0 + 0
  • 포인트: 0 + 0 ¡
  • 순위: 0
  • 리뷰: 0
  • 할인: 0
  • 동영상: 0
  • RSS: 구독


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ស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluyស្តាប់បានលុយ - Sdab Banluy 단축 URL: 복사됨!

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