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Hôtels Barrière
Prepare your stay and make the most out of the unique services offered by your Hôtel Barrière, all available at your fingertips!

Live the unique Hôtels Barrière experience.
Access all of your hotel’s services before and throughout your stay thanks to this virtual concierge.

The Hôtels Barrière application enables you to:
- Find all of the useful information about your hotel
- Order your breakfast, room-service, etc.
- Reserve a table in one of your hotel’s restaurants
- Enjoy all of the concierge services of your hotel on your device (wake-up call, transportation, etc.)
- Discover the advice of your concierge (activities, events, etc.)
- Discuss with your hotel through a dedicated real time messaging system
- Engage with your hotel’s social networks (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
- Check the weather
- And many more unique services offered by your hotel (boutiques, spa treatments, activity bookings, etc.)
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Zrzuty ekranu

#1. Hôtels Barrière (Android) Przez: Groupe Lucien Barriere#2. Hôtels Barrière (Android) Przez: Groupe Lucien Barriere#3. Hôtels Barrière (Android) Przez: Groupe Lucien Barriere#4. Hôtels Barrière (Android) Przez: Groupe Lucien Barriere#5. Hôtels Barrière (Android) Przez: Groupe Lucien Barriere


  • Wersja: 5.2.5
  • Zaktualizowano:
  • We've improved the home screen by loading all the images when you launch the Barrière Hotels application to make your experience even more enjoyable.


  • Dziś: Bezpłatny
  • Minimalna: Bezpłatny
  • Maksymalna: Bezpłatny
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