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Holiday Greeting Cards Maker
Who doesn’t do that? At the era of social networking, often we add text to pictures to share them on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest, FriendLife, Tumblr or WhatsApp, Viber and other similar services out there.

Basically, we often create text on images and it does not really matter what it is a caption, funny comment or a meme. Rather than adding some casual text on a photo we should throw some style, put on some effects and apply gorgeous looking fonts. Here is iSmartMMS Free to make it easier right on your iOS devices.

Whether you want to create a creative watermark, your own greeting cards, or just fancy more interesting graphics for your guys, mom and dad, blog or site, you can get all of that done using the following...

iSmartMMS Free features:
- an elegant, clever, incredibly clean, and intuitive interface;
- adding images via camera, photo library, app’s gallery;
- history of applying images with the option to go to the last creation;
- cropping patterns (original, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc);
image filters;
- resizing, rotating and bending of text;
- 3D functions;
- selection of multiple texts to make simultaneous changes;
- copy any images from all over the world and paste them over cards;
- preservation of initial quality of images and of scaled text.

iDeas gallery grants you use a ready-made design of eCards as the templates for further re-design and reuse.


Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of iSmartMMS Free to:

BIRTHDAY - issue beautiful greetings.
CHRISTMAS - write heartfelt wishes.
NEW YAER - add your lovely words.
VALENTINE’S DAY - express your affection.
EASTER - create blessing quotes.
ANNIVERSARY - mark a happy day.
WEDDING - make invitations.
ENGAGEMENT - post heartiest congratulations.
THINKING OF ANYONE - reach these people.
MISSING YOU - touch someone’s soul.
THANK YOU - say in any situation.
LOVE YOU - show in different ways.

Share this page with your friends and let them create awesome photos, discovering the new way of humorous communication.
ещё ↓


#1. Holiday Greeting Cards Maker (iOS) От: Sergey Astakhov#2. Holiday Greeting Cards Maker (iOS) От: Sergey Astakhov#3. Holiday Greeting Cards Maker (iOS) От: Sergey Astakhov#4. Holiday Greeting Cards Maker (iOS) От: Sergey Astakhov#5. Holiday Greeting Cards Maker (iOS) От: Sergey Astakhov

Что нового

  • Версия: 3.6.6
  • Обновлено:
  • Hi there,
    Fixed minor bugs.
    Even though we have been testing and fixing, some tough bugs might have slipped through.
    If you happen to see one, let us know right away at support@persapps.com


  • Сегодня: Бесплатно
  • Минимум: Бесплатно
  • Максимум: Бесплатно
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