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Manager for Files
Manager for Files is the universal solution for comfortable and efficient file management on your device.
With Manager for Files, you can easily search for specific content and swiftly manage your files. Enjoy a wide range of features, including file sorting, moving, copying, deleting, and seamless handling of file archives.
Experience enhanced security with Windows Hello integration, ensuring that only authorized users can access the app. Capture and annotate screenshots effortlessly using the Ink Tool feature. Plus, navigate the app hands-free with Cortana voice commands for a truly convenient and hands-free experience.
Say goodbye to clutter and disorganization on your device. Take control of your files today by trying out Manager for Files and explore its powerful capabilities.
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Snímky obrazovky

#1. Manager for Files (Windows) Podle: Virtual Pulse#2. Manager for Files (Windows) Podle: Virtual Pulse#3. Manager for Files (Windows) Podle: Virtual Pulse#4. Manager for Files (Windows) Podle: Virtual Pulse#5. Manager for Files (Windows) Podle: Virtual Pulse#6. Manager for Files (Windows) Podle: Virtual Pulse#7. Manager for Files (Windows) Podle: Virtual Pulse#8. Manager for Files (Windows) Podle: Virtual Pulse#9. Manager for Files (Windows) Podle: Virtual Pulse


  • Verze: PC
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  • Dnes: $2.99
  • Minimální: $0.99
  • Maximální: $6.99
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Manager for FilesManager for Files Krátká adresa URL: Zkopírováno!

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